
Autism Society Alberta (ASA) is a grassroots organization within the Autism community connecting to its provincial members through our regional collective of autism serving societies and networking with agencies and associations throughout the province and nationwide.

ASA is dedicated to increasing public awareness about autism and the day-to-day issues faced by Autistic individuals, their families and the professionals with whom they interact. Our mission is to provide information, education, and support research and programs for the Autism community.

Our Team

Board of Directors



Jason Scheyen – Central Alberta

Vice President:

Lyndon Parakin – Calgary


Morine Rossi – Edmonton


Corinna Pitzel-O’Hanley – Fort McMurray


Tina Delainey – Fort McMurray

Brooklyn Martin – Grande Prairie

Melinda Noyes – Edmonton

Stella Varvis – Edmonton

Paula Swift – Calgary

Nicole Burnett – Medicine Hat

Alex Hill – Lethbridge

Autism Society Alberta is a collective of autism serving societies in Alberta

Go to Autism Calgary's Website


Go to Autism Edmonton's Website


Go to Peace Autism Society's Website

Grande Prairie

Go to Autism Medicine Hat's Website

Medicine Hat

Go to Chinook Autism Society's Facebook Page


Go to Autism RMWB's Website

Fort McMurray

Go to Connecting Community's Facebook Page

Red Deer