Our Biggest Transition Yet

Hope Rudics

Three years down – that seems like a lot for a six-year-old, doesn’t it? 

One thing with kids on the spectrum, especially those who do not yet verbally communicate, is that early intervention is key. That’s why Jude started school at just three years old. Now, at the age of six, he has already completed two years of EEP and one year of Kindergarten.

When he started, he lacked words, eye contact, and also social skills – even the typical social skills of a three-year-old. He had a very hard time controlling his emotions, and it was nearly impossible for him to sit and enjoy something for longer than just a moment. He did not comprehend the whole potty-training process until later than most. We were back and forth between multiple speech, behaviour and occupational therapies. So EEP, also known as Early Education Programming, was a beautiful and happy mix of everything he needed in a day, including his physical sensory needs.