Let It Go

Karla Power

As I write this, I am filled with a sense of pride in my boys and peace in my heart. If you had asked me a month or two ago, I would not have described my heart as being peaceful. In fact, it was quite the opposite.

Just like many people during this difficult time, I was struggling. I was struggling with trying to balance two worlds: that of work and home, all while trying to adjust my family and myself to a brand-new routine. It was definitely stressful!

On top of the regular everyday stress with work and managing a household, my husband and I were both stressing about how to meet our children’s goals. Paddy has goals for speech and communication, dressing goals, and life skills goals, to name a few. We had also just recently been informed that Kelton was not reaching his milestones. So here I am, sitting with lots of time on my hands, thinking it’s a great time to work on all these goals!

WRONG! After several attempts to work on many of these goals, I ended up feeling exhausted and defeated! I started to wonder if perhaps trying to potty train during a pandemic was not the best plan! Yes, we had lots of time, but it was not undivided, and both of our boys were out of their regular routine. So, to expect them to try new things in such a scary and confusing time was a bit much!