Autism Society Alberta Rural Pilot Project

Things are happening with Autism Alberta! We strive to be aware of the challenges facing autism families in Alberta, and have seen the number of calls and e-mails from rural and remote regions increase exponentially over the past year compared to recent years. It is clear that geographic distance from autism-related services can be a major barrier for families and individuals living with ASD. 

Therefore, we have begun a pilot project to collect data and better understand the needs and gaps in service for individuals and families living with ASD in rural regions. The pilot project committee has chosen Stettler and the surrounding area (Caster, Coronation, Consort, Alix) in which to conduct our project. We will work to:

  • Equip groups, networks, individuals and families with the resources and information they need
  • Identify opportunities for greater collaboration and connectivity
  • Develop a model that can support other rural/remote regions in the province 

The committee is hard at work putting together a draft ‘tool kit’. Kitty Parlby will be the ‘on the ground’ coordinator, and will be presenting to a variety of groups and organizations in the area throughout October and November. She will also be offering peer-to-peer support to families. Currently Kitty is in the midst of organizing dates and locations with hosting groups in the Stettler area.

Autism Alberta is excited to be taking this action towards empowering families and individuals in rural and remote areas to get the support and services they need.