Setting a timeline for when you want to start living independently is important. It helps you know how quickly you need to do certain tasks that are under your control.

As you go through your housing journey, it’s a good idea to set a timeline for when you want to move so you can plan things accordingly. Some tasks, like getting on an affordable housing list and moving through the waitlist might take a while, and you may not have full control over the timing.

Some common things people need before moving out include:

  • Photo ID (Alberta identification card or an Alberta driver’s license)
  • Social Insurance Number (SIN)
  • A bank account in your name (typically a chequing, savings, and credit account)
  • An Alberta healthcare card
  • Proof of income (tax return, pay stub)
  • A transit pass

If you’re applying to rent a living space, you’ll be asked some questions to check if you qualify. To get ready for this, familiarize yourself with the topics of these questions before deciding to move.

The topics may be:

  • Income
  • Citizenship status
  • Number of individuals living with you
  • If you have any animals
  • Length of rental term you are hoping for
  • What kind of supports you need
  • Social insurance number (SIN)
  • Employment history
  • Rental history
  • Credit history
  • References

This is an example of what a rental application may look like. Each place will have an application that will look different.

Rental application form that asks for information on the primary applicant such as name, contact information, birthdate, previous address(es), a character reference, and the same information for a co-applicant if applicable.

As you go through this information, if there is something that you would like help with, please reach out for assistance.