This is a toolkit to give a broad overview of things for Autistic youth and their families to consider as they transition to adulthood.
Forms of Identification
- Government Picture ID – If you are an Alberta resident who can legally live in Canada and do not have a valid driver’s licence, you can apply for an ID card to use as photo identification.
- Social Insurance Number – To work in Canada or access government programs and benefits, you need a 9-digit number known as a Social Insurance Number (SIN).
Funding & Supports
- Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH)
- Financial and health benefits for those with a permanent (or likely to be permanent) health condition or disability
- Must be 18 years of age or older and not collecting Old Age Security (OAS)
- You must live in Alberta and be a permanent resident or Canadian citizen
- For more information on how to apply go here
- Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD)
- a program to assist adults with disabilities to live as independently as possible
- must have an IQ of <70
- the developmental disability must have occurred before the individual turned 18
- For more information on how to apply go to here
- Financial Assistance for People with Disabilities
- Information on (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped) AISH, Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL), the Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP) and post-secondary grants
Guardianship & Trusteeship
After turning 18, an individual becomes their own guardian. These individuals may require varying degrees of support to make decisions. For some levels, a court order is required in order to appoint a guardian and or trustee (someone to oversee financial matters).
- Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT) – The OPGT provides services, tools and support for personal and financial matters to vulnerable Albertans and their families
- Autism Society Alberta has created information videos on this topic with some helpful worksheets to support families through this process
- For more information on how to apply go here
- There are some organizations or lawyers across the province that may be able to assist with this application process
Post-Secondary School
- ALIS – ALIS provides information on education supports, funding, career planning and opportunities.
- Post Secondary Education Funding – AIDE Canada created this toolkit that outlines educational funding for students with disabilities.
- Resources for Students with Disabilities – from the Government of Alberta.
- DRES – Alberta’s Disability Related Employment Supports.
- Finding work when you have a disability from ALIS.
- Ready, Willing & Able – Funded by the Government of Canada, RWA is designed to increase the labour force participation of people with an intellectual disability or on the autism spectrum.
- Able & Available Job Board – Connecting job seekers with disabilities & inclusive employers.
- Seamless Supports – Seamless Support is an employment project in partnership with Meticulon Consulting Inc. to engage youth and adults across the province as they work toward their employment goals.
- EmploymentWorks – EmploymentWorks is a program for people who want to find and keep a job. It is a proven program that provides employment readiness training and support for Autistic people and people with disabilities
- Other employment supports may be available in your area.
- Autism Housing Network of Alberta – The Autism Housing Network of Alberta (AHNA) is focused on improving the access to and quality of housing opportunities for autistic individuals and their families. Our goal is to work together to better understand housing needs across the province, extend the reach of support to families, learn from each other to proactively facilitate new housing solutions, and establish a provincial approach to recruitment in order to capitalize on housing units as they become available.
- Housing Guide for Alberta – This housing guide, created by a self-advocate is a great document, taking a person through each step and consideration when making the decision on accommodation that will best fit your needs.
Supports, Information and Resources
- Advocate for Persons with Disabilities – The Advocate represents the rights, interests and viewpoints of persons with disabilities.
- Transition Planning – This course by AHS Caregiver College is a half hour course on things to consider when transitioning those with neurodevelopmental disabilities to adulthood.
- The Sinneave Family Foundation – Sinneave offers programs including Launch + Skills, a coaching service designed to empower Autistic individuals and those with neurodivergent traits, to assist them in pursuing further education, employment, or independent living.