Alberta Caregiver College® – Resources for Family Caregivers

Recorded June 23, 2024

This presentation provides an overview of Alberta Caregiver College® at the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital. The educational resources and modules provide family caregivers with information on how to meet the needs of a loved one with an injury, illness, or disability. Caregivers can be parents, spouses, family members or friends. Caregivers learn about the physical, emotional, and psychological impacts of the injury, illness, developmental delay, or disability. The educational programs were developed by health professionals and physicians at the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital (GRH), other Alberta Health Services (AHS) sites, and community partners. The material is designed to provide optimum care, to provide information on various resources, and to build confidence and self-reliance of caregivers. The discussion will highlight the available modules that are intended to provide caregivers with strategies and suggestions for developing strong networks in the community and with other caregivers.

Presenter’s Biography

Carol has a B.Sc. from the University of Alberta and a Masters in Health Studies degree from Athabasca University. She has worked in the health care field for over 30 years in a variety of positions including clinical assessment, research, management, and education. Carol is currently the Manager of the Autism Research Centre and Team Lead for the Learning and Development Centre at the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital in Edmonton.

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