Trauma-Informed Care – Part 3

Recorded February, 2023

Presented by Darryl Wilkie from STEPS in Red Deer.

Trauma is any experience that causes intense physical and psychological stress.

There is mounting evidence that those with an intellectual disability are more likely to experience adverse life events, abuse and trauma in childhood and that they are also more vulnerable to traumatic experiences and abuse as adults.

In this presentation we explore trauma-informed care, a strengths based framework that is grounded in an understanding of and responsiveness to the impact of trauma. It emphasizes physical, psychological, and emotional safety for both providers and survivors, and that creates opportunities for survivors to rebuild a sense of control and empowerment.

Darryl Wilkie has worked as a Mental Health and Addictions Therapist; Child and Family Therapist, and Employment Specialist combined for more than 30 years. Wilkie has advanced degrees in education, counseling and theology and has gone on to write several books in his field. He is currently a Life Skills Facilitator and Family Resource Specialist and has developed and implemented numerous psycho-educational training programs along with other specialized employment training. Wilkie’s vision in teaching, writing, and counseling is to move the mental health/unemployed and disenfranchised population to a condition of empowerment and self-determination, by enabling them to employ innovative strategies to produce desirable actions that lead to healthy results.

Watch Part 1

Watch Part 2