Who Will Take Care of Our Kids? Planning For The Future: Part 3 – Wills

Recorded July 19, 2023

Guest Presenter Trista D. Carey of Schnell, Hardy, Jones LLP Lawyers will be exploring the need-to-know information in regard to wills.

Wills… you know you need one, but that doesn’t make it any easier when starting the process of creating a well-thought out and detailed estate plan. Even if you have a Will, is it current? This is particularly important when creating an estate plan that involves a Represented Adult. Does your Will cover all of your legal obligations to dependents, tax implications and efficiencies, and the impact of any bequests on government assistance to any beneficiaries? All of this can be very overwhelming and confusing!

Join us as we discuss some of the necessary considerations when creating an estate plan involving a Represented Adult, including a discussion on the use of RDSPs and Henson Trusts.