
At Autism Alberta we see a future in which autistic children and adults can look forward to lives full of opportunity. A community in which people with autism are included and supported throughout their lives.

Autism Alberta’s Alliance is an initiative of Autism Society Alberta bringing together stakeholders from a diversity of sectors: education, employment supports, health professionals, researchers, housing, intervention specialists, sports/recreation, parents, self advocates and others. In November 2017, we hosted our first stakeholder engagement in Red Deer and our vision for the alliance came to life.

The Autism Alberta’s Alliance is a collaboration. A knowledge hub. An advocate. An educator. It speaks with a unified voice to raise awareness about autism, cultivate acceptance and foster accommodation across the lifespan and across all areas of Alberta in order to enhance the lives of individuals and families with autism.

On October 15, 2018 we officially launched Autism Alberta’s Alliance! As we forge ahead we look forward to working with stakeholders from all over Alberta.

Together we can shape and influence Alberta’s future for our community and bring more hope to Albertans living with autism.

Planning Committee

The Autism Alberta’s Alliance’s Planning Committee addresses various opportunities to improve experiences, services and care within and for the autism community. The members of the planning committee are:

President of Autism Society Alberta

Jason Scheyen

Committee Facilitators

Shino Nakane, Provincial Director, Autism Society Alberta
Amanda Downey, Alliance & Policy Strategiest, Autism Society Alberta

Diagnosis in Children

Champion: Dr. Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, MD, Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation Chair in Autism; Director, Autism Research Centre, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital; Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Alberta

Indigenous Relations Circle

Champion: Grant Bruno, Ph.D. Candidate; caregiver; Samson Cree Nation


Champion: Adam Glendon, Autistic Advocate

Employment / Vocational

Champion: Tanya McLeod (she/her), President, The Sinneave Family Foundation

Post-Secondary Education

Champion: Dr. David Nicholas, MSW, Ph.D., RSW, Professor and Associate Dean, Research and Partnerships, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary

Early Childhood

Champion: Kim Ward, Ph.D., R.Psych., Executive Director, Society for Autism Support and Services


Champion: Melinda Noyes, MA, Executive Director, Autism Edmonton

Community / Families

Champion: Lyndon Parakin, Executive Director, Autism Calgary; Vice President, Autism Society Alberta


Champion: Morine Rossi, B.Ed., Programs Manager, Autism Edmonton

Working Groups